Sandhill Cranes during the Spring migration in Monte Vista, Colorado.
The Sandhill Crane migration in Monte Vista, Colorado takes place each Spring, and I have been making the journey to photograph them each year in March for about 13 years. It’s always a low key, interesting and enjoyable trip for me.
Some years are better than others though. Bird populations are not as large as they were 10 years ago and they have changed their gathering spots, favoring certain areas for a few years and then shifting to new areas. It takes a few days to work out their movement patterns each year.
The Sandhill Cranes aren’t the only birds gathering in Monte Vista during the annual migration. Canada Geese also gather in large numbers and can often be found sharing the same fields and watering areas. Sometimes, they get confused by mass blast-offs and join the cranes when in flight. In today’s photo, there are cranes and geese blasting off together.
This is one of the largest mass migrations in North America and Monte Vista, Colorado is not the only area where these birds migrate through. But, it’s an easy drive for me, which is why I go here ever year.