I had a setback with my recent purchase of the Nikon 20mm f/2.8 D lens I got off of eBay. The lens I received had a really bad fogging action going on, as though it had been in a smokey environment for a long time. Fortunately, the seller accepted the return of the lens. When I buy used gear on eBay, I always go for items that allow returns. While it’s not very often that I get something that isn’t quite right, it does happen from time to time. Best to cover your butt in this regard.
But, I still have a focal length hole that I wanted to fill in my DSLR kit below 24mm. Enter a new selection. I purchased a used copy of the Nikkor 16-35mm f/4 G ED VR. It doesn’t go to f/2.8 but that’s okay. It cost me a little more. I paid $340 for this lens, which is still in the Nikon lineup at $999.95 brand new. It originally sold for over $1,200 when it was first released in 2010. I don’t buy lenses for their investment value, most lenses on the used market are running around %50 of their new value, so this buy was actually a pretty good deal, assuming it isn’t defective. We will find out in the next day or two. It’s on the way now and should be delivered to me before the end of the week.
This lens has had some mixed reviews over the years. Some reviewers are luke-warm about it, other reviewers love this lens. I don’t study test charts, so if the lens is competent, I’ll be a happy guy. Years ago, I had a Canon EF 16-35mm L, which I used mostly for architectural photography. It was really handy for photographing apartments and town homes, but I stopped doing that work and eventually got rid of the lens. The Canon L version was never optically outstanding though. These super wide angle zooms always have weaknesses, so I’m not worried.
Assuming this new lens works properly, my Nikon DSLR kit is fairly complete. But knowing me, I’ll keep wheeling and dealing used gear, so long as I can make it to the shipping store.
*** Update1/29/25 ***
I received the lens and it tests out perfectly. It’s in really good shape too. I received my refund on the 20mm f/2.8D that I had to return. Everything worked out well on this little project.