If you want to find a moose, hang out where they like to go.
Rain soaked Moose feeding in a stream.

One thing about moose is that they really don’t mind being cold and wet. As a matter of fact, the prefer to be where it’s cold and wet. It must provide them some comfort and relief from heat and insects. If you want to find a moose, hang out where they like to go. Lakes and streams.

The day I made this photo, July 16th, 2017, it was raining hard for most of the day. I parked my Ford Explorer by this stream and just sat there waiting for a moose to come by. This big fellow eventually showed up in the distance, got into the creek and started munching wet grass as he moved towards me. I probably got an hour or more of shooting time with him. He eventually came out of the water near where I made this photo, strolled on by me and then back down the roadside into a marsh, where he continued to hang out for a while. I hopped out of the SUV a few times, getting soaked to the bone. The moose wasn’t the least bit interested in me but he did give me a close look as he walked by me.