The Ralph Lauren RRL Ranch below the Sneffels Range.

I have been organizing my Autumn photographs by location and came across this panoramic of the Sneffels Range in the San Juan Mountains of Colorado. I made this photo at sunset in early October of 2012. The original was made using a Canon EOS 7D, from 10 vertical shots, stitched together in Photoshop, resulting in a 95 megapixel final image.
But, i’m never satisfied, plus I have much better cameras and lenses now compared to what was used on this photo. Still, it’s a decent result. I think I’ve repeated this composition about 5 times since 2007. Some years have been cloudy, some cloudless. I think I’m looking for the perfect sky, but one can’t just command nature and circumstances to be the way we want them to be.
The scene is looking over the RRL (Ralph Lauren) ranch at the Sneffels Range, near Ridgway, Colorado. I have visited this particular location several times over the years, to make this composition. To date, this is my favorite result, but I’ll probably keep trying to get a better version. Ralf Lauren has staked a claim to one of the most beautiful spots in Colorado, and I’m sure he’s had more than a few trespassers onto his property. This photo was made from a public road, so I didn’t encroach on his property.
So, as long as I am able, I’ll keep working the location.