The Belle of Louisville docked along the Louisville river front on the Ohio River.

A pleasant two hour cruise up-stream from Louisville towards Cincinnati

I just got back in town from a week long visit to see family in Indianapolis and Louisville. It’s good to be home.

While in Louisville (Kentucky), my wife and I took my mother to ride the old vintage paddle-wheel boat Mary M. Miller, which is a sister ship to the famous Belle of Louisville, shown in today’s photo.

A pleasant two hour cruise up-stream from Louisville towards Cincinnati on the Ohio River. The Belle of Louisville has been a presence in my life since I was a child. I’ve done many cruises on the Ohio River out of Louisville riding the Belle of Louisville and the other river boats that dock along Louisville’s river front. Built in 1914, The Belle is a central figure in Louisville’s “public image.”

The boat I was riding, The Mary Miller, is a similar paddle-wheel boat to the Belle, but a little bit smaller.

As a kid, I lived along the Ohio River and spent  my youth boating on the river. We affectionately referred to ourselves as “River Rats.”