One of my last photos for the 2016 moose photography season. I found a group of 7 bulls hanging out along the headwaters of the Cache LaPoudre River. Unfortunately, they weren’t all close enough to one another to get the full group in one photo. But, I’ll take this.
On this particular morning, I took my brother-in-law out to look for moose. My brother-in-law and sister-in-law were visiting us at our cabin in Red Feather Lakes. While the girls slept in, us boys were up in Mooseville before sunrise. I love it when I take someone out to look for moose and we find them easily. Mooseville isn’t really a town or anything, it’s what I call the habitat where the moose are living in the Colorado wilderness. You won’t find Mooseville on a map.
This time of year is right before the bulls normally shed the velvet on their antlers. Within a week of this, those bulls will be in full tilt boogie for the rut. The antlers are pretty much done growing for the year and are roughly the size they will be before the velvet comes off.
Camera: Nikon D750 with the 200-500mm ED VR.